I made a short screencast video on how to make a Korean dish. The first time I made a screencast, I just did it quickly to see what things I would naturally overlook. The second screencast I made, I paid attention to the Coherence Principle and stated the necessary words, like the ingredients, amount, and what to do with it, and showed what I was doing as I did it for engagement and retention.
Since this recipe video was done in an online tutorial way, I also made sure to put the ingredients on the screen in order and in the correct amount. I also gave time for the viewer to pause the video and write down the ingredients, and put it together so that if the viewer was watching the video again and skimming through, they could easily find the ingredients by finding the time when I show all of them. The first video also had a lot of empty silence, which might make the student/viewer bored quickly. This is why I added background music to the second one, to fill the silence in hopes to keep the viewer more engaged during the time I’m not speaking.
Last of all, there were times when I was talking about something in the first screencast while not showing the same thing, which would make the viewer confused based off of the bad timing. To fix this, I made sure to show what I was talking about at the same time to engage the audience, and also help them to retain the information based off of the visual being shown while they learn about it. I showed my friend the video and had him follow both of the screencasts, different recipes, and he found that the second was easier to follow mainly because I was actually showing what to do, and not just talking about it. He also enjoyed the second one better due to the music, which made it more appealing and interesting to watch.
Overall, taking the time to engage the viewer through many visuals, as well as the use of background sound, and make sure they are being shown what is being taught at the same time, helped the viewer (my friend) follow the video and learn the recipe easier, and faster.
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